Pictures from the 2012 Alan Bohnhoff Memorial Golf Tournament

The Alan Bohnhoff Memorial Golf Tournament took place on October 4, 2012 at Costa Mesa Country Club in Costa Mesa, California. Golfers came from throughout North America and enjoyed a day of 80 degree weather and blue skies. Jim Gaither (Specialized Milling, Fontana, CA) served as the 2012 tournament director. Golfers on the winning team were: Darrell Covey, Todd Gleason, Dick Holper and Pat Lynch.

2012 marks the thirteenth year of the Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman’s Club sponsored tournament. In 2009, the LAHLC renamed the tournament to honor former LAHLC president and beloved club member, Alan Bohnhoff.

The event raises funds to benefit the Hardwood Forest Foundation, a
non-profit organization dedicated to conservation, education and research.


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